Speech evaluation guideline 2.0
A powerful fact, humour, introduction, direct quote can be given an introduction
Throughout the speech I felt like
Here we are today witnessing
Thank you TM for giving such a wonderful project speech.
After listening to TM speech who in here will —------------------------------
There are speakers who speak to our mind we remember them and but there are speakers who speak to our heart they change our lives
You can use a generic quote about a speech. You can start with a quote that is related to a great aspect of the speaker
Start with message of their speech saying thanks to them for giving that message
Thank you for inspiration, entertaining, or motivational
Commendation transitions
What I liked about the speech today
My target speaker has met the objective of the speech
What I liked about the speaker today is Commendations points
Recommendation transitions
Now lets see What you can do to make this speech from good to great
What I recommend TM in today’s speech is
Moving on for some points for improvements
You will think why I am all praise. Some speeches deserve all praise. But I have few recommendations
To amplify the speech I have a few humble recommendations Recommendation points
Summary transitions
If am to summarize the speech today
You had —----------------- If you could take care of —------------------
That is a wow speech
All in all I liked that he had —----------------------
Just if could bring in more —--------------------------
Overall fantastic amazing exceptional speech
I loved the —-----------
If you could make small adjustments like
Let me summarize my evaluation
Beautiful story telling Vivid imagery Intelligent humour Be mindful about the
When summarizing we can say
Try to implement these suggestions but
Keep up these good points
In above wording the commendation comes second Summary points
Conclusion After summarize you can add a conclusion with a quote or message from speech and leave the speaker on a high
Check whether the opening can be used as the conclusion