In this post I am going to explain a code block which I used for retrying iteration of a loop if it gets failed.
This is the code
def get_port_list_traffic(port_list, connnection_handler):
port_traffic_data_list = []
# variables for adding total traffic
total_in_traffic = 0
total_out_traffic = 0
for port in port_list:
retries = 0
max_retries = 5
while retries < max_retries:
d = get_port_traffic_data(port,timestamp,connection_handler)
# cumulative sum of traffic from each ports
total_in_traffic = total_in_traffic + d['in_traffic']
total_out_traffic = total_out_traffic + d['out_traffic']
except Exception as e:
retries = retries + 1
if hasattr(e,'message'):
print(f"Retrying {port['id']} {retries}th time")
retries = 0
This code snippet is part of code which gets port statistics from a network device. I have more than 30 ports in the device. The code scans every port and gets the statistics. Then repeats the process after a certain period of time for eg 30 minutes.
But the code randomly gets errors without any clear reason when scanning the ports.